Monday, January 26, 2009

You Might be a Pastor's Wife If...

-You've ever used communion cups to give your children juice
-You've ever been tempted to hang a "Bed and Breakfast" sign in front of your house
-You've ever lived in a home with a tunnel to the church basement
-You've ever lived in a home that had curtains donated "in special memory" of a loved one
-You've ever invited people to your children's birthday parties as a ministry outreach
-You attend three or more baby showers and/or birthday parties a month
-You've ever been the alternate pianist whether you can play piano or not
-You've ever been home alone until midnight because of a board meeting
-You've ever baked cookies, cinnamon rolls or other food items for more than 100 people
-You've ever had someone you don't know tell you what a good speaker your husband is
-You've ever had someone you don't know tell you how insensitive your husband is
-The hospital waiting room was full of church people when one or all of your children were born
-You've ever had a church board hand you a job description with no attached salary package
-You've ever had someone angry with you because you sent a card, but didn't come to see them
-You've ever had someone angry with you because you came to see them, but didn't send a card
-You've ever thought of yourself as highly called and grossly under-qualified
-You've ever taken a 48 hour bus ride across the country with children who were not your own
-The church phone line rings directly into your home

Got any to add?


  1. I'm cracking up - especially enjoyed the "Bed & Breakfast" one...hee's a few more to add to the collection:

    -You've learned to mend clothing, shop @ thrift stores and you actually enjoy it
    -Your family celebrates things like Mother's Day on any day but Sunday
    -You've gone into labor at least once while your husband is preaching/teaching/doing a wedding
    -Mondays are an "OFF" or let's get out of town kinda day
    -You've been asked to lead Worship even if you can hardly hold a tune
    -YOu've been asked to "share" on Mother's Day
    -Your kids are anywhere but near you after church on Sunday when it's time to leave
    -One of your kids has done something outrageously embarrassing in front of the congregation, like streaking (of course, she was only 14 months, but still!).
    -You are the last to find out there's a meeting w/ a meal happening at your place in less than 24 hours

  2. I've got one...
    -Your husband works four jobs and still makes less than the starting salary of a public school teacher. (does that sound too synical?)

  3. (Sorry. I meant to spell "cynical".)
