Saturday, January 31, 2009


Okay, confession time. You know you've been a pastor's wife too long when...

Here's mine, hot off the press. Today I needed to make a quick phone call. In the realm of phone calls this one was very simple...a quick "Do you need me to bring X to church tomorrow?" I called, got voicemail and had just started leaving my message when mayhem broke out in the living room. Something happened, my youngest was crying, voices were raising. In true mommy form without thinking my brain did that split thing it does. I was trying to sort through what was going on with the boys while finishing up my phone message. I hit the end of the message and came to in time to hear myself say " Jesus' name, Amen" instead of "Goodbye." Sheesh! Can I play the spiritual card and try to point out it's more natural for me to end a conversation with "Amen" than "Goodbye?" 

Anyone else have a fun faux pas to share?


  1. That was funny!! Reminds me of a time when Gregg had a visiting pastor pray one night at the end of the evening at youth group, and the guy began (no joke), "Dear God, thank you for this food...."

  2. Ok, I'm not too proud! This actually happened a couple of years ago while I was leading worship. I felt moved to lead everyone in the Lord's prayer, which I hadn't said aloud in a very long time. In the middle, my mind went completely blank so it sounded something like this:
    "Our Father, who art in heaven
    Hallowed by Thy name
    Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
    In earth as it is in heaven.
    One nation, under God" --- yikes!!! All of a sudden I was in the middle of the Pledge of Allegiance! :-/

    Laurie J.

  3. So funny! I saw the family yesterday and the mom told me her daughter was the one who checked the answering machine. She asked her mom, "Why was Mrs. Skor praying on our answering machine?" Sweetheart, avoid the crazy lady...
